Tuesday, October 30, 2007


attn: residents of Arch Street in New Britain
re: dumbassery

Why do you people find the need to conduct your business in the middle of the street? Why is it necessary for you to walk -no, sprint- across the street without looking? Why do you lurk behind parked cars, then jump out in front of mine so I have to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting you? Do you really think its a good idea to walk with your 3 babies jammed into one stroller in the road when there's a perfectly good sidewalk not 5 feet away? I do not understand.

And to the man with 4 pitbulls, please put them on a leash, because unlike you, I'd hate to see those dogs get hit by a car.


Monday, October 29, 2007

These pretzels are making me thirsty

"So here we are today. I'm glad to be alive. There's so many things to do. I'm trying to do what's right. I'm going somewhere in life. Somewhere in life. I'm living how I want being what I am. I'm finding for myself. I'll be satisfied in the end. Life should be fun not a constant race. There's a lot to learn and I'll go at my own pace." -"Seize Life," Insted


Think you've got a choice?

I thought I'd post the lyrics to the song that inspired my URL. I think these represent how I've been feeling about things lately.

Scream so many things
None of which will be heard
Stronger minds a new direction
Intelligence builds our word
See the time for us to unite
And set the others straight
Building for the future
Moving through the ones that wait

We scream to say
You better listen

We’re in a time of tragic need
Of definite despair
Where hatred is the way of life
And no one seems to care
We must keep moving forward
Cannot think about the past
For all our days are numbered
And the next could be our last

We scream to say
You better listen

Now we’ve come to one conclusion
And we have to stick with it
Seeing minds turn to hate
And attitudes turn to shit
Screaming for the future
Our voices breaking loud
Look into ourselves
See the answers found

Uniform Choice always seems to have the answer!