Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Things suck. I'm miserable. My inconsistent emotions are killing me. One minute I'm crying and feeling absolutely hopless, then my heart starts racing, giving me this terrible anxiety, and the next minute I can get a hold of myself and see a bright future to look forward to. I'm on/have been on a roller coaster ride, and I hate roller coasters. But my mom says this is good. She says I needed this jolt to grow and move on to another stage in my life. To get out of my comfort zone. I know shes right, but I'm scared. Everything that was so familiar is gone. Thats just another thing I'm going to have to be strong and overcome. I think I actually am going to get on an airplane to fly to Florida to see Kirsten this time....for real.

Anyways, highlight of Thanksgiving: having a great family, even if today only consisted of my mom, dad, sister, brother, and gramma. We drove by my grammy and grampy's old house on Valley View Drive. Its so different than I remember. So much smaller....but it has been at least 10 years since I've seen it. Oh, and my mom's "He showed us his dingus!" story was pretty good too :-)

"And there he was, lookin' at us in the cheval mirra! Playin' with his dingus!"

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